Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Newark Mayor Cory Booker said it best. How is it that the NRA pushes bills that allow convicted criminals to carry guns? How do the push for people that are on a “no fly” list to buy guns? How do they push to allow people at gun shows to buy guns without background checks? In the city of Newark last year there was not a single shooting with a gun that was bought with a proper background check. So why does the NRA have a policy of No Reason Allowed and insist on laws that put citizens and police at risk? How can that be a left-right debate, and how can it be defended?

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Anonymous said...

How come the cities with the strictest gun control laws have the highest crime rates?

Could it be because the criminals enjoy the government mandated and created unarmed victim zones?

I lived in NYC when the "Subway Vigilante" incident happened. Four bullets, less than five dollars, cut crime in half.

(The fifth bullet was itself a crime.)

How many millions does NYC spend for crime reduction each year?

Get a clue folks:

joe said...

you know why there was no shooting in Newark by guns with permits, because people who have permits are responsible gun owners, and yet neo jersey as a whole makes it hard to get a gun, and hand gun forget about why not check the shooting stats in gun friendly states

Anonymous said...

Making Peace without Power is impossible. At no time in history has a weaponless policy worked for people. Try giving a puppy to the next mugger,rapist, or murder that victimizes you. Let me know how that works out for you.

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