Monday, December 28, 2009


Many Tigers fans are not happy about the recent Granderson trade to the Yankees, and we at the Faux have heard from them. We must remember the following though when analizing a power hitter. You must look road vs. home power, because you play alf your games on the road. Consider history Roger Marrus hit 61 homers with the 1961 Yankees and everyone was saying if not for that short porch in Yankees stadium, he could not have done it. Actually though, of his 61, 31 were on the road and only 30 were hit at home, he was a true power hitter. Now lets look at Granderson, as we know that Detroit has a rather spacious stadium. If he had 10 at home and 20 on the road, we can expect 40 home runs from him at Yankees stadium. Joe DiMaggio hit 240 Homers on the road and only 120 at Yankees stadium, meaning he "got killed" by playing half his games at Yankees stadium. So home is where the heart is, and maybe where the power is...if the fence is of your liking. We would love to see how Granderson plays in the new Yankees stadium, I guess we will all be experts a year from now.

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