Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Re-plagiarizing in Advance

We are re-plagiarizing in advance again and it’s the great one. We are complimented and of course apologetic to have plagiarized in advance as we have so often done, and this time it’s the great Steven Colbert. Not only did we pre-empt his thunder, but we've been doing it apparently repeatedly for many months with our phrase when people are giving the go ahead to the former speaker "the aye of the Newt". And last night that was his lead
segment, exactly that of the "aye of the Newt". We are at once gratified and as we said a little chagrin because we have plagiarized in advance in the past. We sometimes used most of someone’s phrase, this time we used all of it. Hope you can forgive us.

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The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News