Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So if he is too young; he’s older than the following when they became president: JFK, Bill Clinton and, that noted non-Democratic Reformer Teddy Roosevelt, and he’s certainly been getting the recent endorsements of his elders, i.e. John Kerry and many Democrats from “Red States”. He was mature enough to help change the death penalty in Illinois so they actually had DNA testing and didn’t put to death (kind of a final step we would say) people who were actually innocent. Of note, many Republicans still aren’t sure about this as policy or philosophy; please don’t be surprised Fauxvians.
And, on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos”, we at the Faux had yet another “plagiarizing in advance” moment when Mr. Stephanopoulos pointed out that Mr. Obama is the exception: an insurgent candidate in the best financial shape of all, even more so than even Mrs. Clinton.

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