Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Let's face it; the politics of race and divide have been a Republican staple since 1980, when Reagan kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi with the code word, "States Rights". The locals got the lily white message; they could (and did) ignore en masse the torture and murder of 3 civil right's workers and resist Federal (as in FBI) intervention when local authorities (as in KKK) seemed indifferent and, Mr. Regan assured them their rights were just alright with him.
When Bush '41 wanted to tap into the same vain, we mean vein of racist code, it was the repetitive pictures of parolee and recidivist felon Willie Horton; yes, the dark, black, menacing Willie Horton, whom the Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis had pardoned as Massachusetts governor and we all know how well that act worked.
In 2000 George Bush opened his presidential campaign at Bob Jones University, where whites and blacks were not even permitted to clasp hands; so much for uniting, not dividing. But again, each time the racist shadow was cast by the Republican National Committee it was used as a side shot against a white candidate. How would they (believe us if they can, they will) use such stuff against a black man; it would then have to be a frontal hit. And it could not be glossed over by happy blacks on stage as in the Republican Convention of 2000. We at the Faux think they're up, we mean down to the task; but it would sure be a different song and dance act this time, so stay tuned.

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