Monday, January 21, 2008


America’s women, as the demographics do show, are 52% of the population and as our experience should show, they are over 60% of our intellect; in fact, current college applications validate this. They (women) are also the pollsters (and history) confirms approximately 59% Democrats, so what are Republican strategists to do. Past ploys have included telling women they should acknowledge men are the “heads of the household”, (an official evangelical statement), or not to worry their pretty little heads,
or . . . just to pat them on the head. And since any woman politician who has soft moments is weak, or who has assertive moments is shrill, or who stands up for herself is uppity, how could anyone vote for a female candidate anyway. One clue: Switch the credentials and imagine any male candidate with the achievements, academically and legislatively of say, Hillary Clinton and there wouldn’t be any such questions, generalizations as to weak, shrill or uppity. But pretty little heads, as noted, shouldn’t worry about such stuff, and women today don’t worry, instead they act. Makes a historical conservative think they were smart to resist giving women the vote in the first place, although that wasn’t exactly a conservative plan anyway.

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