Sunday, May 25, 2008

Class? The Right Stuff

Mike Huckabee long third for the GOP nomination contest (thus our pet name: Mike Heck of a three) has alas because just third rate these days. A case in point happened at this week’s appearance by Gov Huckabee at the NRA meeting and his reaction to a noise in the hall backstage. He joked, “That was Barack Obama falling off a stool; he thought we were going to shoot him”. Swift move Mike, an assassination joke is just what the country needs approaching the 40th anniversary of the murder of Robert Kennedy. Yet this kind of gaff by the right had only a fraction of the shelf life of Hillary Clinton’s reference to the same anniversary. And while the press jumped and twitched regarding their next news cycle, Robert Kennedy Jr. himself aid he took no offense to Mrs. Clinton’s remarks. Wonder if Barack Obama’s family in Republican world would have a right to be offended by Gov Huckbee’s “joke”?

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