Friday, May 30, 2008

On Talking the Talk; Some (GOP) Base Truths

The President of Iran, we call (and pronounce) his name: Imadimwhack job is like other Arab leaders, quite rational. The proof is that no top guy from Bin Laden to those in charge of Hamas, or other terror groups sponsored by Saudi Arabia or Iran have ever led a mission themselves. The rationale is, of course, that they’re still around and since their missions are suicide ones, they’re aware enough and cowardly enough to be aware that no one does two of those. Thus while Senator McCain says we won’t talk to such enemies (unlike the policies of JFK, Nixon, Regan et. al.), you know if elected he will, because presidents always do, as even to some degree has the Bush Administration. So, tell us, why the bluster buster? Maybe it’s because one can eventually act rationally once they’ve been elected by the Republican base, but they can’t get elected by talking rationally to the Republican base.

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