Sunday, May 4, 2008


We at the Faux will be watching closely a current bill proposed before the Florida State legislature by Edward Bullard. This would-be ground breaking legislation is sure to cast shadows over the Sunshine State. Because this bill, it seems, would actually allow Christians in Florida to purchase a Christian license plate, complete with the symbol of the cross over a representation of a stained glass window and the saying “I believe”. Think of the fascinating effects this would have on road (rage?) relationships, and the decisions of traffic policemen (we can presume those without such a license don’t believe) among other things. It will be the first such official state recognition of a specific religion in the history of the United States, but if it passes, we predict certainly it will not be not be the last. Hey, even if it becomes the law, it will be optional, at least at first. It’s not like they’re making Muslims display crescents on their license plates or Jews the Star of David on theirs, although if they ever do make the display of the Jewish star mandatory for Jews, we suggest they avoid making the stars gold ones, and stay away from putting it on driver’s licenses and apparel.

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