Tuesday, May 20, 2008


John McCain and Hillary Clinton are united on at least one political position and that is that Barack Obama is somehow responsible in support of is pastor (we should say former pastor) of many years, Jeremiah Wright. We at the Faux question the Flux News bunch’s obsessive repetition of Reverend Wright’s idiocies although they don’t necessarily typify his 30+ years of sermons. Wright’s blights aside, it does seem a white Wright might have gotten far less replays; we’d be curious to know how many of the Flux News watchers are aware that one of then candidate Rudy Guiliani’s then inner circle, in fact the man who officiated at his marriage (one of his times) is a priest who is facing numerous charges as a child molester. Again in the arena of awareness, how many know that John McCain accepted, quite eagerly in fact, the endorsements of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee, “gentlemen” who take some interesting news when it comes to those they consider “different”. Mr. Robertson blamed 9/11 on homosexuals, as did Mr. Falwell who also went to his grave unapologetic for his condemnation of Jews as deficient people “not deserving of an afterlife”. And while Reverend Hagee, way back in 2006, (don’t forget Reverent Wright’s remarks date from 2001) emphasized (what he considered) the similarities between the agenda of Adolph Hitler and the “Roman Church”, you never see Flux News flexing these clips . . . That noted, Mr. McCain said he’s anti “anyone who’s anti anything” but . . . still maintained he “welcomed” Hagee’s endorsement. Again, no news clips on the Flux regarding this stuff but then Mr. McCain’s embrace of Mr. Hagee does goes all the way back to . . . 2008.

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