Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eric Cantor, minority whip was asked on This Week; will this healthcare reform bill ruin the country as Representative John Boehner had said? He was asked this four times, and he of course didn’t answer the question. He said three times “it’s all about the fear”. And he truly has encapsulated the Republican approach toward politics, logic, ideology and healthcare, it’s all about the fear. Mr. Cantor, we salute the fact that while you may sing off key, your lyrics do make sense because no one can describe the thief (the thief of peace of mind) better than the one doing the stealing. As you said Mr. Cantor, it is all about the fear. Although, the 40 plus million people without healthcare, 40,000 of whom will die next year probably have a different kind of fear. And if this vote is going to ruin the Democrats and not ruin the country, because you are not willing to say it will, it sounds like you should be singing a happy song. And let us remind those of you in Faux Nation; Eric Cantor plays an important role in the Republican Party’s Jewish representation because with Eric Cantor as their elected representative, they are only nine short of a Minyan.

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