Monday, July 14, 2008


California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (pronounced by the honorable Arnold Caleeforneeya), spoke some cold truths on global warming this week. And pardon our phonetics, we know English is his second language (its our President’s first right ) but he calls it like it is pointing our that the Bush Administration at first denied and then avoided doing anything about global warming, their explanation being that China and India aren’t doing their share either. The Governor intuitively points out that being such followers didn’t get us to the moon among other instances of bold American leadership. He also points to (oh the sacrilege) that Jimmy Carter (Jimmy Carter?) had an intelligent long range energy program which Ronald Reagan short sightedly (short sightedly?) scrapped while other countries went progressively forward and some are saying Governor Schwarzengger should be Energy Czar Schwarazengger under president Obama. He answered this perhaps, in that same interview Arnold said when contrasting his description of John McCain as someone who “reaches across the aisle” versus his Republicans, Bush again policies he’s espousing while running for president. The governor said “let me tell you something, what is being said in these presidential campaigns is one thing but what people have done in the past is something else; we agree and case in point can any one find any “compassionate conservatives” in the current white house?

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