Wednesday, July 30, 2008


In Louisiana, some years ago there was a horrific bus accident due to the operator's losing control. That very driver at fault had in fact been reportedly hospitalized for heart and kidney problems but was still permitted to drive; twenty-two humans died in that mishap. As a result, some seven years ago in 2001 the National Transportation Board of Safety recommended eight steps to crack down on unsuitable drivers...good luck to us all, because to this day the Bush administration has not implemented a single one of the eight preventative measures.
That makes this case another case in point to think about when considering where the Bush/McCain philosophy of cutting back on what government is supposed to do will leave us. Zero implementations of eight life-saving recommendations, eight recommendations for the safety of our families put behind the Bush tax cut eight ball, how 'bout it Republicans. Do you think unfit drivers endanger only the children of Democrats? Oh, for the record, it was shown that this past year, over 1,000 drivers were permitted to keep on truckin' although they had either seriously impaired hearing or vision. But again, we can't say for sure that our would-be commercial driver who couldn't hear AND see got to keep their license-you had to be able to do one or the other.

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