Friday, July 25, 2008


Outside of organized religion no profession more regularly invokes or involves the worship of God than does major league sports; the teams and their athletes alike. That said, no venue in which these games are played more frequently trumpets its heavenly connection than does the New York Yankees. In all games, all season long including the recent all-star game, midway in the seventh inning those attending the Stadium (and perhaps those viewing) are asked, in fact virtually instructed to rise and according to the home team’s definition “honor America” by singing “God bless America”.
In the spirit of full disclosure I should point out that I personally believe in my right, no make that my joyous duty to pray regularly, but I feel just as strongly for those who do not wish to be at all pressured into references to the Lord in prayer be it public or private. I am also a Yankee fanatic and regular Stadium attendee who literally reveres the NYY uniform but not the “God bless” bit every blessed game. Does this really honor America? Others seem to differ, because every major league game at every major league park begins with the playing, and hopefully by all the singing (individually I may possess a but more enthusiasm than skill) of our national anthem, the “Star Spangled Banner”. Now that’s honoring America. “God bless America” on the other hand seems to give deference or credence or both to those who believe in public entreaty to the Lord, oblivious to the feelings of those who don’t, because that may be their personal choice.
I know many will disagree with my view, but if an audience wide singing of “God bless America” every game makes the Yankees more holy than other teams, none of whom do it daily let alone weekly, it should give those truly religious non-Yankees fans pause. Consider Red Sox, Mets fans and others; if your own team doesn’t publicly and regularly “God bless America” every game and you root for them and thus against the Yankees aren’t you choosing laundry over the Lord? Oh, and to my dear Yankees if you must out bless everyone else could you not so very often suggest that we “please join with Kate Smith” because why would we want to? She’s been dead for over 20 years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

America's exclusivity to God??? how 'bout "God bless the world"?... after all, as bad as it is around here, seems that there are a few others that could use some too... as I'm being heckled for not rising to the occasion, I have to simply say that I'm a Canadian, "ey"... however, it does make for a good opportunity to head for a hot dog cart...

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