Monday, February 18, 2008


John McCain has McMimed President Bush on several issues, and we hope there’s one (at least) on which he holds his moral ground. First he opposed The Bush more riches to the rich tax cut, twice in fact, before caving and now seems he’d make them permanent because to restore them to the Clinton (you folks remember when the economy was up and so was our government’s surplus) level would be a “tax hike” and he’s never voted for one, huh. More about this down the deficit road.
Mr. McCain also has changed his focus on immigration by de-emphasizing paths to citizenship for those who are here illegally but have committed no crimes in residence. Instead he’s bowing to a rather base base while talking mainly about borders and fences, regarding immigration, and recently, nothing else.
But let’s give credit; he’s been McCain not McMimic when it comes to his steadfast opposition to allowing water boarding or other forms of torture in prisoner interrogations. With the trial of some accused 9/11 planners (where’s Rudy Tuesday when we need him) looming, this issue is sure to surface. Why, because at least some confessions obtained involved the aforementioned water boarding and at least one Army prosecutor has already resigned rather than go forward on evidence obtained in that manner. If Mr. McCain panders on this issue, he’ll have to take a path involving some pretty tortured logic, hope not, but we don’t yet know not.
February 14, 2008

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