Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The American Nation has settled on four main candidates for President: John McCain and Mitt Romney for the GOP and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic Party (not the Democrat Party, Mr. Bush) and we at Faux Nation have settled on their defining (according to us) nicknames. Although defining was just part of the choosing
the nomenclature, rhyming counts too. So here goes: for the Republican Party it’s John McMime (he’s a more Bushian Bush), and Flit Romney (although, like all positions Romnian, that is subject to complete change), and for the Dems: it’s Hilliam (she’s getting out in front of that Billary thing) and Barack to future; because well just because.

Now on the national polls going into the Super Duper Looper Swooper Tuesday which show John McMime leading Flit Romney 48 to 24 (just remember back when he wasn’t even 4th) , and Hilliam for the Dems, leading Barack to the Future 47 to 43, obviously much closer. Our predictions: Senator McMime gets down to basics with his base and Hilliam pushes Barack’s ascension a bit further into the future.

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