Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Be careful what you fish for/or wish for take your pick because as Roger Clements’ request to be vindicated before Congress proved this past week the bully pulpit doesn’t help you if you’re just kind of a bully. And that’s so even if the six Republics (there were seven Democrats as well, including Chairman Harry Waxman from California) defended Roger’s hodge podge of a dodge in knee jerk fashion, the operative word being jerk. One of the great political gambits is to use the disclaimer “partisan issue” as if any issue divided by party must be divided as to merit, as well. The Democrats (remember they do believe in science) could have also said the earth is round and these guys would have no doubt argued that issue has other sides, as according to them would the globe , since its not round. Roger is of course as guilty as he is a bad liar, in fact the way he licked his lips made us wonder if they were juiced up to give his denials the strength of the vial. Two beauts were on his “team” of congressional defenders are worthy of notes, however sour. First is Dan Burton Indiana (R) who spent most of his time during the Clinton hearings attacking the President for poor moral choices. He did not use all of this time for said pursuit of purity, however because he found time to sneak back to his office and impregnate a staffer. He was married, just not to her. Also deserving mention is congressman Lyn Westmoreland Georgia (R) who has sponsored one bill in two terms (it failed) calling for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in the courtrooms of Washington DC. While being interviewed by Stephen Colbert (for his “Report”) Mr. Westmoreland was asked to name “them” meaning the commandments, as in all ten. Well, he was able name almost three correctly; these guys need their morality, honestly and knowledge graded on a curve, although Roger’s “out pitch” is a splitter.

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