Tuesday, April 1, 2008


We’ve made passing commentary on Mr. McCain’s choice of running mate on the Republican ticket which given his age and the aging that goes with serving as president is one important choice. A contributor to this blog, Charles Sandras, in fact, wagged that it will be the equivalent of a political living will. Well, more and more it seems that Mitt Romney’s name is coming up on the short list in the D.C. spin machines, and for all those right wing Jewish columnists, Brooks, Kristol, Krauthammer et.al. al. this would seem this is a dream team. Please consider the following; John McCain having previously refused (in 2000), in 2006 received, and relished the support of Jerry Falwell, a man who went to his grave an unrepentant bigot. Among the many principles we hold to be self evident, which Falwell religiously distorted, was the idea that Jews were deficient people unworthy of entry into Heaven. Mr. McCain, by the way, was on Meet the Press and asked by Tim Russert, “do you still believe Jerry Falwell to be an agent of intolerance” (his exact description of these exact same views in 2000), but in 2006 Mr. McCain found Mr. Falwell quite tolerable and told Mr. Russert, “no”, that he no longer considered Mr. Falwell such an intolerant individual.
The record of Mitt Romney, who made an unsuccessful bid for the nomination Mr. McCain has now secured, deserves a little scrutiny as well. Mr. Romney interestingly opened his campaign to be the Republican candidate in 2008 at, of all places, the Henry Ford Museum. Henry Ford for any who don’t know; was through word, deed, money and influence till the day he died one of the most famous, or should we say infamous anti-Semites in our country’s history.
So then if Mitt Romney is Mr. McCain’s choice for Vice President, could there be then a more palatable, polite and subtle bunch of under the radar Jew baiters for right leaning Jews to lean to?
Hey, maybe even William Sattire, famed Jewish speech writer for Richard Nixon could come out of retirement as kind of an elder Court Jew. He could then advise the current "capos are us" how to weather whatever criticism any of the Jewish establishment may have the back bone to muster. And speaking of the “weather”, Mr. Sattire could also be there to remind Msrs. Brooks, Kristol, Krauthmmer and any others of equal moral timber that when intolerance is spit in your face by the Republican right, it’s merely raining.

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