Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Senator John McCain on This Week with George Stephanopoulos says he’s “got an economic” plan, and the Democratic National Committee has an ad coming with some choice quotes and all of them are actually Mr. McCain’s own words referring to the last eight years and the economy. They go as follows; “Americans over all are better off”, “we’ve had a pretty good prosperous time”, “low unemployment”, “low inflation” “A lot of good things have happened”, “A lot of jobs have been created”, and “I think we are better off over all” . A couple of fact checks just might be in order considering the price of gas is up 200%, there’s been among the highest inflation in 17 years, 1.8 million jobs have been lost, and the income in the average American household is down $1,000, this does not apply to any of John McCain’s donors of course. Wonder how come the Dems left out our favorite McSame quote: “economic woes are often psychological”, tell it to everyday Americans pumping gas.
Oh bye the bye he said, he’s going start his economic reform by cutting all the ear marks passed by Congress. We’ll give you two from the past two years; two billion dollars, Emergency aid to Israel and a substantial increase in veteran’s Housing benefits. These gals and guys psychologically need homes, really.

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