Sunday, April 13, 2008


Dear Mr. Russert,
I was privileged to be in the SCSU audience this past Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 and thoroughly enjoyed your talk. Alas, I was “scheduled” to be the next to ask a question, but as the gentlemen with the microphone came my way, the “Madam President” of the University come on stage to wrap things up.
Here then is hoping my question reaches you and you are able to reply:
My Name is Norman Bender from Woodbridge, CT. I am a Vietnam veteran and a Jew and proud on both counts. We hear so often lately that due to Jeremiah Wright et. al., Senator Barack Obama needs to reassure American Jews, even though Mr. Obama himself has never personally spoken or acted like Reverend Wright. Yet the same obligation to assure never seems to be required of the Republican/right wing end of the political spectrum. Senator John McCain (as you pointed out on “Meet the Press”) embraced the endorsement of Jerry Fallwell in 2006 and said he no longer considered him “an agent of intolerance”, which were in fact Mr. McCain’s very sentiments in 2000. And Mitt Romney, who may well be Mr. McCain’s VP choice, kicked off his president campaign at the Henry Ford Museum, and the legacy of Mr. Ford’s anti-Semitic intolerance still haunts may older Jews and others, to say the least. So then Mr. Russert, how does the right do it? They don’t ever, it seems, have to explain their actions the way the left does. I’d really like to know.

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