Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Senator John McCain, in his quest to make the Bush tax cuts (which he voted against when he wasn’t running for office) permanent, has explained how. He’ll do it by cutting back on government services, but since the logical question is which one, we’ll provide weekly hypotheses of possible areas to trim the slack. The FAA, whistle blowers and all, has been pressured by the Bush administration, and the airlines, to ease up. They (the FAA) say they’ve got crucial, possibly life saving work to do, and despite extortion threats have whistled while they work. Which has resulted in over 1000 planes being grounded for such minor problems as fuel tank glitches and shattering windshields. How have they done so far, well for 2007 the stats are in and there were no fatalities for scheduled commercial airline flights. Oh, for those who like to look out on the right wing when they aviate, and we presume this means those who can afford private flights, generally not your less affluent types, there were four hundred and ninety one (491) fatalities on private flights. There are some flights of fancy going on in the fancy flight crowd if they don’t think the FAA inspectors inspect for a reason. We should all regret these deaths for the tragedy and possibly for the preventability. Anyway, so if we send away the FAA, can it be after we’ve landed?

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